A few months ago I was interviewed on to speak on Flower Essences on the radio. I was asked to bring something to the listeners as a gift at the end of the show.  I then thought I would like to capture in the form of a poem what Flower Essences are in essence,  and what their place in our lives could be.

Here is the poem that arose:


Nature has been waiting, a long long time.

Her Being of Beauty and Life revealed,

displayed in Blossoms,

Gift of Rainbow.

She has been waiting for you, her Child, her Soul Mate.

The Rainbow of your Soul which was

broken, withered,

soiled and derided

recognises her,

Knows, knows the Bridge, the Bridge it must walk

to find what was lost, to remember what was forgotten,

to Re-capture Life

Re-kindle Being

and That

That which you have been searching for.

For in the Flower it is You that is revealed,

your multiverse-d Rainbow Essence.

It is there for you,

asking you

to Receive.